Today in Ibiza, Spain

Mainly clear. Low around 60F. Winds WSW at 10 to 20 mph.

Sunshine and some clouds. High 66F. Winds WSW at 15 to 25 mph.

This weather data was last updated 2024-04-29 22:38:36.


M Clear


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  • Sunday P Cloudy

Ibiza Weather

Ibiza is an island in the Mediterranean Sea and is located 79 km of the coast of Valencia, Spain. Ibiza weather can be described under Mediterranean climatic conditions. Ibiza weather is characterized by cool and wet winters with hot and dry summers. Ibiza climate gives the island great conditions in summer which are ideal for beach parties. Winters in Ibiza are not so cold with winter temperatures rarely going lower than 11C (52 F). Spring in Ibiza starts in March and ends in May. Summer in Ibiza starts in June and ends in September. Autumn lasts from October to November and October is the wettest month in this island. Winter in Ibiza starts in December and ends in February.


The month of August has the highest average monthly temperature with an average of 30.4 C (86.72 F). January is the month with the lowest average high temperature with a monthly average of 15.8 C (60.44 F). In winter months between December and February temperatures in Ibiza can drop to as low as 8 - 10 C on a sunny and calm day such that people may still feel it summer. In general, temperatures in Ibiza during summer range from 18 - 30 C (64 - 86 F). Summer is the driest time in Ibiza with less than 10 rainy days receiving a total of about 112 mm of rainfall in 4 months which averages 28 mm of rainfall per month in summer. Winter temperatures are not very low in Ibiza as they only drop between 8 and 19 C (46 and 66 F), which makes Ibiza winters very mild. Ibiza follows a typical Mediterranean weather where winters are rainy thus the only time tourists can enjoy Ibiza weather is during summer.

Ibiza climate near the shores is well known for creating a great atmosphere for beach parties. Sea temperatures by the shores average 26 C (79 F) in summer which is ideal for hanging around the beach. Winter temperatures are not very favorable as they average 14 C (57 F) although it is possible to enjoy beach life on days when there are no winds and there is plenty of sunshine.

Sun Hours

The 22nd of June is the longest day in Ibiza as the sun rises at 6.22 am and sets at 9.21 pm resulting in almost 15 hours of sunshine. The warmest part of the day in Ibiza is between 1 - 4 pm, this is the most ideal time to go to the beach or have a siesta.


November receives the highest rainfall in Ibiza with a monthly average of 108 mm. June is the month with the lowest rainfall with an average of 11 mm. The months July and August also experience low rainfall with averages of 15 and 27 mm respectively. Ibiza receives an annual average of 632 mm of rainfall. When compared to Spain the country that is closest to the Island Ibiza receives more rain than Spain. Spain highest monthly rainfall average is 78 mm which is way lower than that of Ibiza.

Mediterranean Climate Characteristics

Mediterranean climate is characterized by warm to hot but dry summers and mild to cool winters which are usually wet. Mediterranean climates are associated with subtropical high pressure cells from the oceans. The high pressure cells from the oceans shift towards the poles during winter and towards the equator during winter and contribute a lot to the weather of Mediterranean climates.

Ibiza Weather As Defined By Koppen Climate Classification

Under Koppen climate classification Ibiza has a Mediterranean climate. Koppen defines a Mediterranean climate as having average temperatures which are above 10 C (50 F) in the warmest months and have an average of 18 t0 -3 C (64 to 27 F) in the coldest months. The precipitation pattern of Mediterranean climate is represented by dry summers and wet winters. Summers with less than 30 mm of precipitation are considered to be dry summers under Koppen climate classification. Summer months in Ibiza have an average of 28 mm of rainfall thus making them be classified as dry summers under Koppen climatic classification.

The Ideal Time To Visit Ibiza

Ibiza weather is mostly favorable throughout the year although summer is usually the best time to visit this island. Winters are generally wet and there is very little sunshine which makes going to the beach somewhat unpleasant. Summers are warm and dry with lots of sunshine making the season ideal for hanging around the beach.



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